
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Unit 3 Sec. A Summary HW

1) A hydrocarbon is a molecular compound composed only of carbon and hydrogen atoms.

2) To refine a natural resource is the removal of impurities from a desired material.

3) Petroleum is used as a fuel and raw materials like CDs, sports equipment, and automobile parts making it a valuable resource. 

4) Approximately 66% of the world’s known crude oil reserves are found in the Middle East.

5) Crude means a material that is not yet processed.

6) a. 0.11 x 20,000,000 = 2,200,000 barrels
b. 0.89 x 20,000,000 = 17,800,000 barrels of petroleum

7) Mineral oil, asphalt, kerosene, paraffin wax, motor oil, and household lubricating oil.

8) a. CDs, clothing, plastic charge cards, and automobile parts.

b. CDs could be made of metal, clothing could be made of cotton, plastic charge cards can be made of paper, and automobile parts can be made of copper.

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