
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Unit 1 Sec. A Summary HW 4


18) An inference is a conclusion based on analysis of data and observations.

19) a. Bubbles are produced when baking soda solution and vinegar are mixed. Inference
b. Baking soda solution and vinegar react when mixed. Inference
c. The dog with muddy paws has been digging in the garden. Observation
d. Katie was late to chemistry class on Wednesday. Observation
e. Universal indicator turned red when added to hydrochloric acid. Observation
f. Universal indicator showed that hydrochloric acid is acidic. Observation

20) It is important to organize laboratory observations because it helps you compare experiments and get to a conclusion.

21) It is necessary to read an entire investigation before beginning laboratory work because it helps you know what you have to work with and speed up the process.

22) A molecular-level model of oxygen (O2)

23) A molecular-level model of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)

24) C2H6

25) Draw a particulate-level model to show how copper can be drawn into a wire.

26) A model has limitations because most models are not drawn to scale.

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